Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Nathan Wengreen
Mrs. Parker
Chapter One
The Meeting
As the cool morning fog lifted Jozin was already out of bed and in the Venzel forest hunting his family’s food for the week. He was on the trail of a small cow elk; even though it was small it was still enough to feed his family for the week. As he approached a near by cliff four men jumped out at him all holding spears. He trained his bow on one but that did not stop them. The mean were all wearing the same thing. Shinny silver and black armor so he gave up.
Then the tallest one asked, “Who are you and what are you doing here?”
I replied, “ I am hunting for my family’s food, “We are waiting on my father to return from the empire so then we can have money to buy food.”
“Ok,” the same one said, “These are my friends and we were knights for the empire but then he ordered us to kill innocent people, so we ran away.”
“The king did that?” I asked in disbelief
“Yes,” he replied. 
“We thought you might have been one of his spies sent to track us down to kill or capture us,” The same one said, “But know that we know that your not we will tell you what we are doing to stop the king from ever hurting anyone ever again.”
“Ok what are you planning? I asked.
“We are going to build up an army from the towns and villages to rally up against him then we are going to rebuild the empire better the king ever has or did.”
“Ok?” I said, “How are you going to get people to believe you?
“Every time we get a new order he has people write them and give them to us,” he replied, “But before they give them to us the king himself signs ever single one of them and we still have our order papers from the last time he told us to kill innocent people.”
“How ‘bout you guys come and stay in our town,” I said, “I’m sure we can find somewhere for you to stay.”
“Would your town help?” He asked as they started to walk with me towards the town.
“Oh I’m sure many people will help you if you show them the paper proving you clams to be true.” I answered them.
As we arrived in to town I took them to my house to meet my mother and little sister. As we walk across the town people walking on the dirt streets sometimes gave them weird looks as the walk by some even asked, “Jozin  who are they?”, and other thing like that. We soon got to the house and I yelled for my mom, “Mom I’m back,” I said.
“Oh good did you get anything?” She asked.
“Well no but I brought back four solders that are gathering an army to attack the king for what he has done and continued to do.” I answered her.
“Why?” she said startled, “Why would fight against or great and noble king?”
Because ma’am he has ordered us to kill innocent people and we all have proof by the kings signature,” he said pulling out his last orders from the king.
She studied them for a moment the look up and said, “Why does he want to kill these people, they didn’t do one thing to him except pay over priced taxes. 
“We do not know the kings will,” he replied, “But we didn’t like these orders so we didn’t follow them and we ran away.”
“Ok so where will you be staying,” she asked
“Well we can stay in our tents for know but we will build a small home here if that is alright,” he told her.
“That is fine,” she answered him.
But as they turned to walk out the door I said, “I never got your names.”
“Well,” the tallest one said, “Mine is Kelt, his is Forn, his is Jov, and his name is Veut.” Then he turned and walk out the door.
Chapter Two
“TIMBER!” Kelt yelled as a tree came crashing down.
That was the fourth tree that they had cut down that day. I was helping them because my mother said that because I “found” them that I had to help them build and recruit people to fight against the king. So I just help with whatever they needed me to do. As I was working on cutting down what they said to be the last tree I herd someone say, “Can I help?”
I turned to see who it was and it was my best friend Vint standing in front of Kelt.
“Sure,” he said, “Just go um, help Jozin finish cutting down that tree over there then come back for more instructions. 
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We finished building the house in about a week. So we started getting people to help us take down the empire. We went to the surrounding towns and villages to get people too. We had about 1000 people by the time we were done and I think we were ready for war. Everyone that was able to help was building spear heads, arrows, and other objects to help take down the empire.
“Are you ready for war young one?”  Kelt asked me a few days before we were ready to leave for the empire.
“Yes, sir,” I told him.
He and his comrades were going around the town checking if everyone was ready or if anyone needed any help.
Chapter Three
The March
The walk was about 20 miles but most of the people from the villagers were used to walking a lot. So it wasn’t very hard for everyone. From what I had been hearing from the people walking is that we were all going to get killed. But the solder were very confident that we would win and that we had the element of surprise. I thought that we were going to bet the king and take over the empire. Then the king would never be able to hurt anyone every again. 
“JOZIN,” yelled Kelt, “Come over here for a little bit I need to talk to you.”
“Yes?” I asked when I got right up next to him and feel into his brisk long strides.
“We are going to send a small group of people in with you and Vint tonight if we don’t miss the gate’s closing time,” He said.
“Ok, so what will we do with the people that we go in with?” I asked.
“Well you will ask a towns person where the temporary camp is,” he said, “They will show you and if they asked any questions about where you are going just say, we are all trying to find work and hopefully live here one day.”
“Ok,” I started, “So will the rest of you just meet us in the kingdom tomorrow morning?”
“Yes, we plan to.” He answered.
“Does Vint know about the plan?” I asked right before he walk away.
“No, will you tell him and make sure he knows what we are doing? He asked walking away, not waiting for an answer.
“Ok,” I yelled, but I don’t think he herd me.
As I walk through the crowd trying to find him to tell him the plan of what we were going to do. Everyone started to yell and scream, “I can see the walls!”. But I just kept one walking into the crowd to find Vint. Right as I found him it was getting dark so we started gathering people for the journey into the city.
Chapter Four
The Start of the Finish 
That night we had traveled into the city and got to camp. So that next day all that Kelt told us to do in the morning to get some breakfast and wait till he came to give us further instruction. So that is exactly what we did. All of us were thankful that we had a little bit to rest for the upcoming battle that we were going to face the next day. Around mid-day the first group lead by Kelt came in to the camp and set up. The other two groups came around 2 o’clock and 4 o’clock. He had a lot of small meetings with different people and told them what the plan was then told them to tell other people what we were going to do tomorrow. He told me and Vint together and we spread the word together walking around telling people what we were going to do. By dinner time we had spread the word to about everyone and the people we hadn’t got to we just told people to tell people that hadn’t herd the word. We all ate dinner and everyone just went to bed right at dark and almost nobody left there tents till the morning and we started sending people into the castle as early as possible. 
The plan was to get most of the people into the castle then deliver a full on attack to king right when the knights would be caught off their guard. And since we had a few guards on our side, they told us when and how to attack the guards. They told us weak spots in their armor and other little things that might be able to help us in the battle. Like one of the weak spots in the armor was the neck and the wrists. He told us the main strategy of the king that he would take to protect himself and his family. Which was that he would take his family up to the highest tower in the building and then have guards on every level on the way up? He would also have an emergency escape route out of the room.  Then past the guards he would have to make it out of the emergency route. But the only thing he doesn’t have is knowing that we know where and how to get there. So then we would station some of us down at the bottom of the escape route and also we have the element of surprise. 
Chapter Five
The End of it All
I was one of the first in with a few other people clamming that it was our first time here and we thought we would go look around the castle. The front guards bought it and we were in. The castle was amazing it had tall walls and big paintings of past kings and famous warriors from past battles. The rock was a dark gray color, and it had small cracks from the years. There were guards standing around in little nooks in the wall. Kelt said that we would have to wait for a while before we attack. But he told me and Vint to find the kings family and stay close to them so we could easily capture them if needed. He said that they were most likely to be in the third level of the castle because that is where their rooms and other things were. So that is where my and Vint’s little groups went. Kelt had given us a slit description of what they look like and we found them easy. They were all wearing the most expensive clothing and where followed by at least one or two servants a person. So we just followed them, but stayed far enough away so we wouldn’t get caught. Kelt had told us to just wait and he would give a sign, then the attack would start and we would kill the king and his family for what they had done then we would be free and have our own kingdom.
            BOOM! A loud explosion when off and we all knew that that had to be the sign. So we darted right after the family and we had them all in a matter of minutes. But the only person of the family we didn’t have was the king himself, but we would take care of that latter.
            All the guards had gone after the sound or up to protect the king and everyone that wasn’t a part of our group was running for the closest do out or lying on the ground yelling and screaming.
            From following the solders we found the king easily. But the only problem was that all the guards were right at the king’s door. The only way we were going to get in is if we fought or if we told the king we had his family and if he doesn’t come out then we will kill his family.
            As Kelt walk up many of the guards notice him and recognized him from fighting with him many times. He yelled, “Everyone listen up!” he started, “ We are going to have to kill you all or you can just let us though and live you life better then you are right now, we don’t want to hurt you we just want to have a nice little chat with the king himself.”
            “We can not do that!” one of the guards yelled.
            “How about you tell you king that we have his family in our hands and that at any time we can kill them as easy as breaking a twig tell him that.” I yelled.
            A few minutes later one of the guards came out and whispered something to the other guard that was talking and then he said, “Ok, the king is only going to let six of you in.”
            “Ok, Jozin, Vint, Veut, Jov, and Forn lets go,” Kelt said, “The rest of you hold your ground.
            The six of us with the king’s family walk in and the king was sitting behind a big table watching us as we walk through the big doorway into his big safe room. He said, “What do you…
            And Jov shot him in the head with an arrow along with the four guards stating around him. Then we let his family go and said if you try to attack us or we will kill you that easily. But they did nothing but give us looks of sadness and anger. Then we all walk out and told everyone what we had done. We told the knights that if they tried to kill us or harm us that we would do the same to them as we did to the king. They surrendered and pledged that they would not harm us and that they would be under our rule and nobody else’s.
            We sent them out to tell all the cities what had happened. We also sent people to our city to tell them that they could all live in royalty if the wanted to.
            We had done it easily. I thought to myself. How? We didn’t have to put up with the king’s non-sense and we were now free.