Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I am from poem

I am from
              Playing baseball
              being at the old ballpark
              squatting be hide the plate
              waiting for the pitcher to throw the ball
              catching the ball
              then throwing the kid out at second
              with the dirt covering my shoes
              and in my hair
              with the smell of it in my nose

I am from
               Playing in the game
               shooting three pointers
               running down the court
               fast breaking
               to make a easy two points
               with the sweet feeling of victory close
               by then the sweat running down my forehead
               just waiting for the sweet sound of the EEEEENNNN of the buzzer

I am from
               not wanting to my chores
               but ending up mowing the lawn
               and not wanting to clean my room
               but getting more work to do because i delayed doing it
I am from
               play my guitar
               playing louder
               just because I can
               strumming the cords
               and playing the notes
               and learning my new favorite song

I am from
               knee boarding
               crossing back and forth on the wake
               then sitting in the boat
               anxious for another turn
               then getting that turn
               and having so much fun

I am from
               being funny
               making people smile
               and making people laugh
               making my brother mad at my "stupid jokes"
               helping people with whatever
               being fun to be with
               and well being me


Thursday, September 1, 2011

About me

I like to play baseball and other sports like basketball and soccer.  I like to play guitar i can also play the piano. I like pizza and creeps ( it's French). Creeps are like a big flat pancake but you can put anything inside or on them. Like peanut butter, strawberrys, whip cream, sugar, cinnimon, and almost any thing you want to. My personal favorite is i put syrup and peanut butter in the middle an then syrup on the outside to.  My favorite book is Harry Potter and the Deathy Hallows. That is probable one of my favorite movies too.